Safe and secure exercise area for dogs and their owners, right in the heart of the West Sussex countryside
Privacy Policy

We know how important privacy is in this day and age. Both Thakeham Little Farm - and Bomber - want to reassure you that your data is safe with us.

Personal Data
Personal data includes any data that relates to an individual who can be identified from that data. This may include an individual’s name, address, telephone numbers and/or email address, bank details, other financial or contact information. This may come from potential or contracted clients.

How we collect data
Thakeham Little Farm Bark Park receives and stores information supplied to us in writing, via email, via the telephone, in person or online when enquiring, or registering / coming to see us..

Purpose of using data
Thakeham Little Farm Bark Park principally collects personal information to provide you with the services stated (essentially coming to the Bark Park). We use this data for the purposes below:
  • As above, to provide engagement for your exclusive use of the Bark Park.
  • To connect with you for low level marketing purposes. Don't worry, we won't blow up your inbox.
  • To comply with our duty of care around the safety of users of the Bark Park, in terms of people who use it, their animals, and also the facility itself.
Disclosure of Information
Your data is treated as strictly confidential and is only disclosed to parties who have a need to access it, to fulfil the objectives of the service that we are providing. Thakeham Bark Park won't disclose personal data to to anyone else.

We may also need to disclose your information if required to do so by law. For example, to local government officials in the case of an accident, or criminal activity on site.

Marketing Follow Up
If you approach us with an enquiry around the service we provide, we may keep your information to contact you as a potential client for up to one year afterwards. Please note we will never pass on your information to a third-party outside of Little Thakeham Farm Bark Park. If you would like to withdraw this consent, please contact us.

By providing us with your personal data you consent to the collection and use of any information you provide in accordance with the above purposes.

How long we keep your personal information
When the data is no longer needed – as decided by due process around the services that we have provided - it will be destroyed or permanently rendered anonymous. However as a general rule, we will hold your information for a period of up to seven years from the end of your relationship with us in accordance with this policy.

Storage and security of personal data
To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Individuals have the right to request access to and rectification or deletion of their personal data or restrict processing at any point from when personal data is provided to us.